ActionMap® Training Services

ActionMap® Toolkit™
Software Training and Application Coaching

Program Overview

The Goal

My goal is to support you in delivering client value using the software

Specifically to support you in becoming an effective user of the software in live work sessions, with individuals or groups working on real projects, in the range of activities and values described in this website and others that you might discover.

Please note: complete, free online self-training for the software is available at

Getting Started

Introduction and launch

We meet to:
– discuss how the training would be valuable for you
– review the program activities, outlined below


(Current discount subscription offer)

You receive a coupon sent to your preferred email address. That email address becomes your user ID. You use the coupon to sign up through a third-party billing service for a 1-year subscription to the software (a $192 value). The fee with the coupon is currently $98 with a 60-day free trial before billing. I am currently offering a refund for one year if you are not satisfied. This payment is to confirm your initial commitment.

Fees: Currently and for a limited time fees for live training and coaching are related to your actual earnings from using the training.  Let’s discuss.

Program Activities

Please note this is a framework for the training and coaching program. We will adjust these activities to fit your individual needs.

Self Training

1) You go through the online self-training, which takes 45 to 60 minutes. That teaches you the mechanics of the software (the self-training is at this page.)

2) You use the software to create a process model of a subject of your choice. (Examples at this link.)

Live online training and coaching sessions

Timing: Depends on how much you play and practice with the application. Expect to start with 2 hours total training/coaching time. Scheduling is flexible; I share my calendar, you grab time. 

3) We review the self-training and the work product you created in step 3. We dialog on increasing understanding of the method and software. (This can also be done during the self-training if desired.)

4) We conduct a mock client workshop (I play the client). We discuss this as we go along. We can repeat this as needed.

5) Conversation/Coaching on how to introduce the tool into actual client situations.

6) Conversation/Coaching on how to use the software in business development. 

Again, my goal is to support you in delivering client value using the software.


Delivery of and participating in the training and coaching services described here are governed by the ActionMap Software Training and Application Training Agreement found here:

For further customized training, we sign a two page letter of understanding similar the the training and coaching agreement.

Membership in the ActionMap Community Forum

Join a group of users to ask questions, share experiences and broaden your use of the software. The Forum is at

Your subscription gives you the ability to comment and dialog.


Meeting durations can vary.  We can communicate via the forum, email or zoom. The focus is on getting you to where you are producing more and better results for your organization and clients.

– Using the software teaches you the method, which can be conducted on flip charts, white boards or in office automation tool, without needing the software.
– I can partner with you in business development and delivery of workshops with your clients, as an extension of the training and coaching.